THERIAK: Behind the Scenes in a Lab

Disease maps are a long-standing scientific tool used to understand the spread of disease across populations. Craske’s The Disease Map takes an engraving of Basel by Matthäus Merian (1593-1650), and turns it into a disease map by engraving it onto a custom-made petri dish, within which cholera was painted (onto agar) over several days while also being inhibited with synthetic peptides that Craske designed. The process was recorded using time-lapse photography. The protocols were designed through collaborative and experimental work with Dr. Irene Wüthrich and Dr. Steven Schmitt, from the D-BSSE, ETH Zurich.

During the workshop, Sarah explained in detail the final protocol that was used to successfully ensure that her synthetic peptide 'THERIAK' inhibited the growth of the vibrio cholerae. Participants learnt how to make the garlic extract, which was used within the agar plate to weaken vibrio cholerae's cell walls.

About the Artist

Sarah Craske works in the liminal, transdisciplinary space between art, science, and technology. Her work explores the Anthropocene through philosophical enquiry into our relationship with various forms of climate breakdown, by drawing on specialist expertise and technologies, and by taking part in research collaborations across the world. 

Vasudha Malani