Press Contact:
Vikas Gotla
Communications Associate
Selected coverage from 2024
2024 was the year our Gallery opened to the public with our inaugural exhibition-season CARBON. The year also saw multiple pop-up exhibitions as well as our seventh exhibition-season, Sci560: Science in the City. We received international coverage through The Economist and over 100 features across leading National dailies.
Selected coverage from 2023
Our exhibition-season CARBON began with four exhibits spread across different metro stations in the city, in preparation for its public launch at the Gallery in 2024. We received coverage from The Hindu, Times of India and Deccan Herald amongst others.
Selected coverage from 2022
Our second digital exhibition-season PSYCHE was covered by over 40 major print and digital publications including The Hindu, The Indian Express and Kannada publications such as Vishwavani and Suvarna Times of Karnataka.
Selected coverage from 2021
Our first digital exhibition-season CONTAGION had 40 media mentions over 45 days by 17 major print and online publications including The Lancet, The Hindu, The New Indian Express, Deccan Herald and The Week.
Selected coverage from 2020
PHYTOPIA was covered by four major publications and SUBMERGE was covered by 9 major print and online publications including The Hindu and The New Indian Express.
Selected coverage from 2019
ELEMENTS had 8 media mentions across print and online channels including The New Indian Express, The Hindu, Deccan Herald and The Print.